Welcome To Sallys Pregnancy Blog
Hi and welcome to my pregnancy blog. Its great to have you here. Over the next few months I will be posting some of the replies to the multitude of questions I get asked about pregnancy.
I will list the answers to questions about the juicy stuff such as signs and symptoms of pregnancy, pregnancy week by week, the body changes in the first trimester, second trimester and third will also list the responses of Doctors advice VS the Naturopath advice; which one's accurate. (Believe me they can conflict, leaving you totally confused about what to do.)
In case you are wondering how I know all this stuff, I'm not a Doctor so please refer to the professional advice of your GP. I am a woman who has first hand experience in pregnancy and what it takes to have a healthy, successful one. I have gotten ALL my information from the medical and natural health professions incase you are wondering.
Due to not being able to get a straight answer from some health practitioners and websites I decided that I would go straight to the experiened experts;
General Practitioners,
Massage Therapists doing pregnancy massage
Chinese Doctors
Finally I got the RIGHT advice.
So now after many interveiws with top people in the field of pregnancy and pre-natal & post natal care I have compiled all this information into my new ebook.
Also I have compiled all the information about where you can get the best deals on maternity wear, save a stack of cash on baby products, and how you can decorate the nursery for under $500 and have it looking brand new. (Lets face it baby stuff can get costly after a while.) (I've put this to the test, you can see photos of how great it looks and I spent $480 and have everything I need.)
I found it would be better for women to have one resource guide that was based on scientific fact direct from the people who treat pregnant women every day. I found that lots of peoples opinions about things was not helping me make the best choices for my own pregnancy. I'm not talking about getting great support online, I'm talking about inaccurate information that leaves you feeling confused and wondering if whaty you are doing is right.
And after a year of research I found that there is a lot of myths about getting pregnant, maintaining a healthy pregnancy and having a healthy baby.
My book completely dispells those myths. Now, finally you will have access to the information about pregnancy from the top experts in my book.
Also I am putting the final touches on it over the next month, so if you want to ask me something about it, please email me at sally@amazingpregnancysecrets.com and as a thanks for helping me gather more great content about it, I will send you the book when its complete :)
Sally Aubrey
You can also read my baby showers blog at www.successfulbabyshowers.blogspot.com. That book will be available in September.
At 1:02 PM,
ellie24 said…
A lot of women during pregnancy experience a pregnancy symptom known as morning sickness. The unpleasant episodes of nausea and vomiting makes it one of pregnancy's dreaded symptoms. When pregnant, eat small frequent meals daily, and eat foods that are rich in carbohydrates
and protein. Along with some pregnancy nausea remedies,
it can effectively stop morning sickness.
At 9:32 PM,
Ana Nurkhasanah said…
niche the info .. i love this website, so help me obtain information about pregnancy .. thank you..
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